enjoy {cause i know i do}.
dreams of my sister {the yarn}.
sometimes, in real life, my knee makes a creeking noise, like an oil thirsty door hinge. my knee was especially noisy one day, so naturally the noise followed me to my dreams. the dream took place in a doctor's office, most likely a knee specialist. i waited on the tissue papered examination table as the doctor pondered my predicament. finally he broke the news, "you have some sort of ring worm twisted around your kneecap," he said somberly, "i'll have to make and incision to grab it and then pull the little guy outta there." he went right into the procedure. oddly enough, the incision was barely noticed but as he began to pull on what looked like yellowed yarn and smelled like the clay in the game cranium, the pain set in. my kneecap was twisting like a dj's turn table when suddenly the lemon-scented-knee-yarn came to a stop. the doctor tugged then came to a conclusion, "i can't pull this out and cutting it off would result in a re-growth. you'll just have to wait till it falls off." i stared at the monster thinking, how am i supposed to live with this three foot long tail trailing behind me?
and then i woke up.
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